
Whiplash is not an insignificant injury

In the wake of motor vehicle accidents, some injuries are immediately apparent.
Lacerations, broken bones, severe bruising and other injuries can usually
be initially assessed with the naked eye. However, other injuries are
not always visible. Internal bleeding, bone bruises, concussions and whiplash
injuries can take time to become apparent. It is important to understand
that “invisible” injuries are often either just as serious
or more serious than visible injuries may be.

If you have suffered whiplash or you suspect that you have suffered whiplash
as a result of a car accident, please understand that this is not an insignificant
injury. Whiplash can lead to chronic pain in some cases and can impact
an individual’s ability to lead a normal and healthy life. If you
suspect whiplash, please consult a physician and keep track of medical
records related to your injury.

Depending on the severity of your whiplash injury, which may not be apparent
for many days or even weeks following your accident, you may benefit from
seeking compensation from the parties responsible for your accident. Especially
if your life is affected significantly by your injury or you will require
ongoing medical treatment for your trauma, the bills related to your injury
can pile up.

Holding responsible parties accountable for their negligence or recklessness
and ensuring that you are properly compensated for the harm you have suffered
are completely reasonable responses to suffering from whiplash. However,
if you have concerns about pursuing legal action, please do not hesitate
to discuss your concerns with an experienced personal injury attorney
before making an informed decision about your case.

Source: Findlaw Injured, “3 Things to Know About Whiplash Injuries,” Le Trinh, April 7, 2015


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